Get started on your sugar free and keto lifestyles with one of my courses.
Have you struggled to give up sugar and lead a healthy lifestyle?
I tried at least a dozen different diet plans from the age of 12 until I was 32. I'd lose some weight and do pretty well for a time only to think I could handle a few treats here and there at birthday parties and holidays, you know.... only special occasions.
Then it became more consistent to have a nice special sweet treat just on Sundays to reward myself for a good week of healthy eating. Then Monday rolled around and I was determined to get back on track because of course I knew how to eat healthy and lose weight since I had done it many times before and succeeded.
What happened on Monday was the scenario I just shared with you above. I could eat well until about 3 pm and then the treats from Sunday were calling my name that I could not resist.
Many times, I could make it through the rest of the week until the weekend and then the battle would begin again. Because there was always another party or get together and saying no to the snacks that everyone else was having was just not fair in my opinion.
I wanted to eat the way my friends could eat and not gain weight and not have a problem.

Sugar Detox Fresh Start Challenges and Courses
Detox from sugar
Successfully break free from sugar. Online video support with a workbook and tools to get you started
Lose weight
If you follow my programme even for just 5 days you will lose weight.
Feel amazing
Have more energy and feel better than you have in ages.
Additional Courses to Help You!
Understand Your Habits
Understand why you eat, what is the real reason you reach for that snack.
Learn New Ways of Being
Learn genuine strategies to help you eat better and take care of yourself.
Maintain Your Weight Loss
You've come so far in this journey so how do you maintain your new healthy habits and keep on track.
Keto Courses
Become a fat burner
Burn fat instead of sugar so you'll never feel hungry between meals again.
Lose Body Fat
See the differences in your body not just on the scale
Balance your hormones
No more crazy mood swings or irritability.
Don't know where to start?
You can book a FREE 10 minute Discovery Call to see what would be the best for you. Just click on the button below to book your own personal one on one.
Get started right now.
Watch my Free Masterclass
5 Simple Steps to Sustain a Sugar Free Lifestyle
Online and suitable for all devices.
All courses are available online and available any time for you to settle into. Every course has downloads and access to tools and planners to help you get where you need to go.
Here’s what you’ll get when you sign up to my challenges and courses.
Online access to videos, workbooks and downloads with practical information to guide you in your journey.
Advice from someone who's been there and done that.
Yes my journey has been long and I've learned a thing or two. I've added all the things I learned so that I could make your journey easier than mine
A system that really works with information you can use immediately.
My courses have been completed by hundreds and in some cases thousands of people who have achieved the results they needed.
A place for answers.
All paid courses have access to a Facebook group where you can ask questions and get help.
My community is full of people just like you trying to live healthier lives.
Here’s what people are saying about my challenges and courses
5 Day participant
I've lost 7.6 pounds...
As of this morning, I’ve lost 7.6 pounds and three inches from my belly (measuring at my belly button) during this challenge. I can button a coat I could not button before the challenge. I’m truly flabbergasted by the results! So thankful I went for it! See y’all in the course!
Stall Buster participant
I am migraine free...
“I would like to lose a few pounds... but mainly want to reduce the frequency or completely get rid of my migraines and increase energy. I am migraine free for 1 week since I started last week."
6 Week Sugar Free Course
this has been an amazing course...
I love that you actually teach and explain the "how to's' and "why's' to educate and help others instead of "do this'. thank you Brenda for helping me understand more and how to make this a lifestyle.
Sugar Free Mom Courses
5 Day Sugar Detox Challenge
Get started on your Sugar Free journey for just $9.99
Sugar Free Fresh Start Course
Go it alone and follow the plans. Includes videos, planners and all the tools you need to do it yourself. Just $249
Sugar Free Mom Tribe Membership
Access to the Sugar Free Fresh Start course, and all of my other courses, and ongoing support. Get your questions answered and get a buddy to support you along the way. Weekly support with Zooms and Q&A.
Free Keto Basics
Uncover the basics of going Keto so you can get started on your own fat burning
Custom Keto Stall Buster
Have you started on keto and stopped losing weight? Don't quite know what you should be doing to get moving again? Stall buster will take you deeper into understanding what you need to do and get you back on track.
Mastering Maintenance
If you've been learning to go Sugar Free or Keto then this is the next step. Let me show you how to make sure your new habits stick and help with some tried and true strategies to keep you on track.
End Impulse Eating
I know the scenario, you go well, lose weight and are managing to maintain then all of a sudden you have a craving and can't seem to stop yourself from going off track. this course will help you to understand why you eat and how to stop yourself eating unnecessarily.
Taming the Toddler
Conquer Self Sabotage! This course will help you control those impulse decisions when you're tempted to give in to sugar and refined carbs. Learn exactly what to do to conquer a craving for refined carbs and sugar, and have greater success giving it up.
About Brenda Bennett,
Founder - Sugar Free Mom
Brenda Bennett, popular food blogger Sugar Free Mom, knows what it’s like to struggle with sugar and carb addiction and what it’s like to be doing it alone without her husband following the diet.
She’s found freedom in the sugar free lifestyle and the ability to make recipes the whole family will eat.
Since 2011, her blog has become the most popular sugar-free source on the web today. She has a devoted following of those looking to simply reduce sugar consumption, many who follow a low carb diet and many who have multiple allergies.
Her readers can identify with her as her own children have tree nut, peanut, and soy allergies and she herself has a gluten and dairy intolerance.

Frequently Asked Questions
Some health insurances, HR Departments, Flexible Spending Accounts (FSA's) and Health Reimbursement Accounts (HRA's) honor the Sugar Free Mom Tribe Membership to be purchased with your FSA/HSA Card or as a reimbursable expense. Certain conditions must be met.
- Contact your HSA or FSA Benefit Specialist or Administrator to find out if you are eligible to use your FSA/HSA card or be reimbursed for the Sugar Free Mom Tribe membership monthly subscription ($49).
- If required, ask your doctor to complete a letter of medical necessity or write a prescription.
- Check out using your FSA/HSA Card. Note, While SFM accepts FSA/HSA cards, but does not guarantee a card will not be declined. Card issuers are still at liberty to authorize or decline any payment as they would with any other type of credit card.
- If needed, print and submit your monthly receipts for SFM Tribe Membership.
SugarFreeMom.com does not guarantee that your purchase is a qualified medical expense. If you use an HSA/FSA card for your method of payment, you acknowledge that you are responsible for determining whether this purchase will be a qualified medical expense, for submitting any and all required information to the IRS, and for any penalties you may receive as a result.
Facebook is optional. If you have Facebook though joining the private groups where they are available will be helpful, especially to ask questions during the week.
Some take longer than others We suggest you allow 1-2 hours each week for each course, to watch the videos and study the materials.
On a personal note
I know just how hard it is to change the way you eat, I've been there and tried everything.
Come and work with me I'm living proof that you can successfully change when you're supported and know how.
Believe me the benefits to you, your health and family are worth it.
Brenda Bennett